Why should children understand AI to better use it?

¿Por qué los niños deben comprender la IA para usarla mejor?_4

Why should children understand the AI to use it better?

A pilot program from the MIT Media Lab teaches children how to develop an algorithm so they can understand better the possibles biases generated. Knowing how artificial intelligence affects society can help them realize that the technology around them is not neutral.

A student summarizes how he would describe artificial intelligence (AI) to a friend: “It is like a baby or a human brain, because it has to learn,” he explains in a video, “and it stores […] and uses that information to solve things ».

Most adults would have a hard time coming up with such a convincing definition of a fairly complex topic. At just ten years old, this student was one of 28 participants, ages 9 to 14, in a pilot program held last summer and designed to teach them AI.

The curriculum plan, developed by MIT Media Lab (USA) graduate research assistant, Blakeley Payne, is part of a broader initiative to bring these concepts comprehensively into school classrooms. The plan, which is open access, includes several interactive activities that help students discover how algorithms develop and how those processes affect people’s lives.

Today’s children grow up in a world surrounded by AI: algorithms determine what information they see, help them choose the videos they watch, and influence how they learn to communicate. It is hoped that by better understanding how algorithms are created and how they affect society, children can become more critical users of this technology. It could even motivate them to help shape their future.

“It is essential that they understand how these technologies work so that they can better use them,” emphasizes Payne. “We want them to feel empowered.”

¿Por qué los niños deben comprender la IA para usarla mejor?_3

Why use children?

There are several reasons to teach AI to children. First, economically: several studies have shown that exposing children to technical concepts stimulates their problem-solving skills and critical thinking. This can prepare them to learn computer skills faster throughout their lives.

Second, there is a social argument. The primary and secondary school years are particularly important in the formation and development of children’s identity. Teaching technology to girls at this age can prepare them to study it later or pursue a career in technology, says Jennifer Jipson, professor of psychology and child development at California State Polytechnic University.

This could help diversify the AI and technology industry in general. Learning to deal with the ethics and social impacts of technology early on can also encourage children to become more conscientious creators and developers, as well as better informed citizens.

Finally, there is the problem of vulnerability. Young people are easier to mold and impress, so the ethical risks of tracking people’s behavior to design more addictive experiences are more acute for them, according to the professor of student-centered design at University College London (UK) Rose Luckin. Making children passive consumers could harm their privacy and long-term development.

“Between 10 and 12 years is the average age when a child receives their first mobile phone or their first social media account,” says Payne. “We want them to really understand that technology represents opinions and goals that do not necessarily coincide with their own, before they become greater consumers of technology.”

¿Por qué los niños deben comprender la IA para usarla mejor?_2

What is the opinion about the algorithms?

Payne’s curriculum includes a series of activities that encourage students to think about the subjectivity of algorithms. They begin by learning about them as if they were recipes, with input information, a set of instructions, and a result. The children are then asked to “build” or write the instructions to come up with an algorithm that will generate the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Quickly, the children in the summer pilot program began to understand the underlying lesson. “A student asked me, ‘Is this supposed to be an opinion or a fact?'” He recalls. Through their own discovery process, the students realized how they had inadvertently incorporated their own preferences into their algorithms.

The following activity builds on that concept: Students draw what Payne calls an “ethical matrix” to think about how different stakeholders and their values can also affect the design of the best sandwich algorithm. During the show, Payne related the lessons to current events. The students read together a Wall Street Journal article about how YouTube executives were planning to create a separate version of their app just for kids with a modified recommendation algorithm. The students were able to see how investor demands, parental pressure, or children’s preferences could convince the company to redesign its algorithms in completely different ways.

Another set of activities teaches students the concept of algorithmic bias. They use Google’s Teachable Machine tool, an open source interactive platform to train basic machine learning models and to develop a classifier between cats and dogs. However, they unknowingly receive a skewed data set. Through a process of experimentation and discussion, they realize that the data set leads the classifier to be more accurate with cats than with dogs. Then they have the opportunity to correct that problem.

Once again, Payne connected that exercise with a real-world example by showing students images of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini speaking to Congress about facial recognition biases. “They were able to see how the kind of thought process they went through could change the way these systems are created in the world,” Payne explains.

¿Por qué los niños deben comprender la IA para usarla mejor?

Towards the education of the future

Payne plans to continue refining the program, taking into account feedback from participants, and is exploring several avenues to expand its reach. Its objective is to introduce some version of it in public education.

Beyond that, he hopes it will serve as an example to educate children in technology, society and ethics. Both Luckin and Jipson agree that this provides a promising foundation for how education could evolve to meet the demands of an increasingly technology-driven world.

“AI as we see it in society right now is not a great equalizer,” concludes Payne. “Education is, or at least, we hope it is. So this is a fundamental step to move towards a more just and equitable society ”.

Source: https://www.technologyreview.es/s/11469/por-que-los-ninos-deben-comprender-la-ia-para-usarla-mejor


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Do you know the public / private financing options for R&D in Chile?

¿Conoces las opciones de financiamiento público/privado para I+D?

Do you know the public / private financing options for R&D in Chile?

Source: CIDIF 

Among the institutions that seek to support innovative solutions we can name:

  • CORFO: The largest institution to find financing for national projects. Among the funds we can mention the Crea y Valida, to help carry out innovative products or services with a co-financing of up to 150 million pesos, and the Flexible Assignment Seed Subsidy (SSAF), which is mainly oriented to startups.
  • Sercotec: The Technical Cooperation Service is a private law corporation, dependent on the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, dedicated to support micro and small businesses and entrepreneurs in the country. If you have a project that is just starting, the recommended fund is Capital Seed Emprende. If your project is already in advanced stages, you can apply for the Grow subsidy.
  • FIA (Foundation for Agricultural Innovation): This organization seeks to promote the development of enterprises in the area of irrigation and agricultural efficiency. Offers subsidies for young entrepreneurs that contribute ideas to the national agriculture.
    ANID: By 2020 it was decided that scientific projects will be financed by ANID, instead of CONICYT. Among the notable funds is the IDeA I + D + i, aimed at non-profit legal entities.
  • COPEC UC: This Foundation seeks to unite industry and academia with the purpose of promoting R&D to innovate mainly in the natural resource sectors. The Regular R + D to Innovate Contest can subsidize up to 4000 UF and is aimed at individuals, companies, universities and research centers.
  • StartUp Chile: This is a business accelerator that has driven almost 2,000 startups today. It has free funds of up to 50 million pesos for projects that are just emerging (Seed) or that have already been validated (Bridge).

Open innovation funds are another way to acquire financing. This is a model of linking with the needs of companies in an efficient, agile and low-cost way. ChileGlobal Ventures (Fundación Chile) develops open innovation challenges with companies and organizations. ImagineLab, Microsoft’s incubator and accelerator, also offers open innovation opportunities throughout the year.

At CIDIF we can help you formulate, apply and offer technological support in projects for the financing sources you need. Feel free to contact us for help.


Latest Post:

Do you know the benefits of the R&D Law?

¿Conoces los beneficios de la Ley I+D?

Do you know the benefits of the R&D Law?

Source: CIDIF 

The Research and Development (R&D) Law aims to contribute to improving the competitive capacity of Chilean companies, by establishing a tax incentive for investment in R&D, allowing them to reduce the first category tax to 52.55 % of resources allocated to Research and Development (R&D) activities.

R&D is understood as those activities that seek to generate new technological knowledge (Research) or the application of existing research knowledge to improve the processes or products of a company (Development).

The Law is flexible, in the sense that R&D expenses can be made by the company itself or by hiring third parties. In addition, it is aimed at companies of all sizes, sectors and seniority.

Since the Law came out in 2012, more than 400 companies have applied for the R&D Law in order to subsidize their innovation activities.

In order to access the R&D Law, it is necessary to complete an online application. There, CORFO will verify that the activities budget is in accordance with the definition of R&D activities and that the costs are consistent with market conditions.

At CIDIF we can help you formulate, apply and offer technological support in projects for the financing sources you need. Feel free to contact us for help.


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The Power of Prediction in Industry​

Entrada blog

The Power of Prediction in Industry

by Adolfo Navarro Mena

Questions to be resolved:

  • What are predictive algorithms?
  • What is possible to predict through them?
  • How does that impact the smooth running of the industry?
  • What technologies has Forcast developed in this area?


What would have been the fate of Rose and Jack if the Titanic technical team had had a modern system to predict the appearance of icebergs? We will never know, but what we are sure of is that with a better predictability the captain could have made a faster and more assertive decision, favoring the protagonists in a better way.

The previous example makes us reflect on the way our decisions impact; But, what would it be like if we had more tools to know what the future will be like? Probably centuries ago the prediction was something associated with the occult or esotericism, but with the passage of time the prediction has become something more common and accessible than many believe. And by common, we do not mean the Octopus Paul, who “supposedly” had the ability to guess the outcome of football matches during the 2010 World Cup, is somewhat more complex and is related to the new technological capabilities of the 4th industrial Revolution.

What is Data Processing?

Data mining, also called knowledge discovery in databases, in computer science, is the process of discovering patterns in large volumes of data. The field combines statistical tools and artificial intelligence (such as neural networks and machine learning) with database congestion to analyze large digital collections, known as a data set.

Source: Enciclopedia Británica, 2020. 

Data determines our decisions

“We know that data is the new oil,” says Fernando Castillo, Forcast’s operations manager; However, not all the information produced by a company is in good condition to be used or to deliver positive results, says the expert; But, thanks to the new capabilities of the various algorithms coming from computer engineering, today industrial processes can be carried out with a greater number of advantages in the face of the adversities of large-scale production.

Through what technologies is the above possible?

The machinery used for mining, agriculture, or other industries produces enormous volumes of information full of relationships that multiply and extend in various directions. Something that, according to Fernando Castillo, is difficult to be analyzed by human beings since it would take too long and, in most cases, it would be impossible to carry out. However, today we have various computer systems that are highly capable of using all that information produced and giving new answers to operators to make intelligent decisions for the benefit of a company. It is what is known as neural networks, the ones that even have memory.

Fernando Castillo (COO Forcast.)

“There are techniques that can focus on predicting anomalies, others on making more complex classifications that directly show production errors. For example, if an engine gets very hot in certain cycles, it is possible to preempt a failure that causes production to stop, ”says Fernando Castillo.

This is possible since we work with algorithms and time series that allow us to evaluate the past and present behavior of the machine to know during production what problems the company will eventually deal with.

“Every time new and better learning architectures are born and with that we are modeling more precisely”, says Fernando Castillo.

Regarding its applications, the COO of Forcast indicates that its scope is very wide, “all industries that have machinery can benefit from predictive algorithms”. This is the case of the bolts used in the structure of SAG mills for mining. Forcast developed and applied a system capable of predicting failure of these metal parts based on their performance history, what does this mean?

Fernando Castillo says that if the bolts of this mining machinery fail, this may mean that a mill does not operate for two full days. With a predictive system, you can know when the best time to do maintenance will be and stopping the operation of the mill is reduced to, for example, two hours. In this way, the company saves millions of pesos in loss.

On the other hand, a greater optimization of resources is also achieved. This is the case of solar energy, which decreases the quality of its energy production due to the weakening of the panels. With predictive algorithms it is not only possible to predict failures but also strategic decisions can be made. For example, postpone the repair of a panel if it still does not have a decisive influence on production and save on emergency maintenance that are much more expensive than scheduled.

Taking the leap towards digital transformation in the industry

For Fernando, all these opportunities are located in the field of digital transformation that the world is experiencing. The possibilities are endless and, in his own words, it is essential that everyone explores how companies can benefit by making use of these technologies and improving the ability to make smart and wise decisions.


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Astronomy and Data Science in Chile… The perfect mix.

Astronomía y Data Science

Astronomy and Data Science in Chile… The perfect mix.

by Cristían Irribarra

Few things are more alluded to in the field of science and technology in today’s news and cultural programs in Chile than Astronomy and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Interestingly, we rarely hear of how both disciplines have symbiotically empowered each other, pushing the edges of the computational paradigm at breakneck speed. The cutting edge in data storage and computing power is updated with each new super telescope to be inaugurated.

Downloading or pre-processing a modest set of astronomical data on a conventional laptop can take hours and even days, an alternative is imperative with the EELT and LSST just around the corner, promising hundreds or perhaps thousands of Terabytes of data per week. Furthermore, the computing power required for an expedited investigation is vastly greater than what can be expected with a personal computer. The management of these huge databases is today the work of Data Centers around the world, giving way to the birth of “Astro-informatics”, at the national level, the first center dedicated to this is ChiVO (Chilean Virtual Observatory).

The cutting edge in data storage and computing power is updated with each new super telescope to be inaugurated.

ChiVO is not only a warehouse with about a Petabyte (that’s a million Gigabytes) of storage capacity, but it also has services and software aimed at facilitating data processing: algorithm libraries for on-line processing, data simulators for the development of AI models, interfaces and manipulators of astronomical images are some of them.

“Data science is growing and in Chile astronomy is, clearly, one of its main drivers. “

It will undoubtedly be interesting to see how the convergence between better and better telescopes, more powerful astronomical instruments and more advanced tools for data processing will cause unprecedented discoveries in both basic science and applied computing, and with Chile as headquarters. AI will be the main driver and the area that benefits the most from this. How exciting it is to think about what kinds of tasks the algorithms of the near future will master with so much data at their disposal!


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The new revolution of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing​


The new revolution of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

One of the most developed areas within Smart Marketing is the analysis of BigData from machine learning algorithms (Machine Learning). Making use of the immense data repository in the cloud, it is possible to segment and characterize users to make personalized recommendations at the right place and time.

Another area of application of AI in Marketing is advertising testing, with the purpose of measuring the level of impact or effectiveness that it has on the user. A widely used technology here is Biometric Marketing, which basically consists of monitoring the signals of the human body when faced with a certain stimulus. For example, it is possible to follow the path of the human eye and identify the residence time in a particular image.

Customer Service and Retention is another area where Artificial Intelligence will play an important role in the not too distant future. There are already companies that are implementing bots with Artificial Intelligence in order to establish direct communication with the user and offer them personalized options. Digital employees will allow people in the future to focus on what really matters, such as establishing strong and lasting relationships with customers.


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Artificial Intelligence in the Music Industry


Artificial Intelligence in the Music Industry

Source: CIDIF

As in other industries, in the field of music, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate services, discover patterns and extract knowledge from a large amount of data.

Scott Cohen is one of the leaders in the music industry who saw the potential in using AI to promote the growth of this industry. According to him, more than 20,000 new music tracks are uploaded to Spotify every day and Artificial Intelligence would serve to make personalized recommendations. AI-generated music playlists are not just based on what you’ve listened to in the past, but what the machine considers to be “good music.”

Now, Artificial Intelligence can not only make personalized recommendations, but can also contribute directly to the creation of new music. Alan Turing, the well-known British programming scientist, was the first to record computer-generated music. Through Machine Learning, an algorithm creates music patterns considered “pleasant” to the human being or that imitate a certain genre.

Today, many are following the Turing legacy. The AIVA software is capable of generating pieces of music according to the feeling that you want to evoke in the listener.

Santiago Velarde, a 29-year-old Peruvian composer, stands out in Amper Music, recognized worldwide for allowing users to create music in a simple way thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence. This platform allows you to compose music in just a few minutes and in a professional way.

Despite the fact that we saw it far away for a while, today we can already find Artificial Intelligence in the composition of music, live performances and in digital sound processing. This opens up a moral and philosophical debate as to whether a computer can ever replace and improve the work of a human. What do you think?.


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Artificial Intelligence for the world of Medicine


Artificial Intelligence for the world of Medicine

Source: CIDIF

The areas where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied in medicine are wide, ranging from robotic consulting physicians to diagnostic systems using image processing or Computer Vision.

It is said that Medical Artificial Intelligence allows the development of the well-known 4Ps of medicine (Prediction, Prevention, Personalization and Participation) and therefore has the ability to grant greater autonomy to patients.

One field where work with AI has recently started is Gastroenterology. This discipline normally presents a certain difficulty and complexity in the diagnosis, which is why it benefits from the use of Deep Learning algorithms and Neural Network Convolutions to detect abnormal structures, such as colon polyps or gastric cancer.

Another example of the application of AI is found in the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases. The pharmaceutical company Bayer has teamed up with technology partners to determine the diagnosis of an individual through data on symptoms, causes, test results and images, and in turn, create new drugs through the use of Machine Learning techniques.

Finally, the use of Artificial Intelligence in the planning and monitoring of a surgical intervention is growing. Surgical robots may be able to analyze a large amount of data prior to the operation and guide the surgeon during the intervention in order to favor decision-making that results in a shorter patient stay.

One of the great barriers to the adoption of AI in medicine is the fear of dehumanization. This is largely due to the administrative burden imposed on doctors. However, modern technologies such as ACI and Natural Language Processing seek to solve the administrative burden issue and help doctors focus exclusively on patients.

Although there is a latent fear that AI could replace doctors in the future, the general opinion is that it is best to consider it as a tool with the potential to complement the intelligence of the specialist. What do you think?


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How Artificial Intelligence will transform the Renewable Energy Industry


How Artificial Intelligence will transform the Renewable Energy Industry

Source: El Periódico de la Energía

The consultancy DNV GL has published its latest document “Making renewable energies smarter: benefits, risks and future of artificial intelligence in solar and wind energy”, in which it predicts a growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), for which it foresees a $ 3 trillion market by 2024, across the industry, in which it analyzes its current and future potential to accelerate processes in multiple areas of renewable energy development.

The report focuses on the downstream sector and notes that wind and solar plants have already benefited from the widespread development of sensor technology and data analytics. “We look forward to the installation of more sensors, the growth of easier-to-use machine learning tools, and the continued expansion of data analysis, processing and analytics capabilities to create new operational efficiencies,” said Lucy Craig, Director of Technology and Innovation at DNV GL.

The paper expects solar and wind power to further harness the benefits of artificial intelligence in the areas of inspection and troubleshooting, where “autonomous drones with real-time AI support analytics” and “crawling robots that can get close to the surface of a structure”. Ultrasonic transmission, which can be used to penetrate structures and reveal material flaws, will pay off.

Planning and due diligence is another area that DNV GL says can benefit from the increased use of AI: “planning and analysis that today can require many human hours and thousands of documents can be greatly reduced in the future and even improved” .

DNV GL even speaks of a future in which the construction of wind and solar plants will be fully automated and carried out by ‘autonomous driving robots, which in the future may build entire terrestrial or solar wind farms: parts of a wind turbine or solar panels are transported from the factory by autonomous trucks, unloaded by another set of robots, attached to the foundations that other robots have excavated and filled, and assembled by a final set of robots and drones ”.

Despite all this potential, DNV GL points out the risks of such approaches and the danger of relying too heavily on artificial intelligence rather than the deep insights needed to manage such a system. “For the majority of participants in the renewable energy industry,” states the DNV GL press release, “building stable, progressive and reliable artificial intelligence systems requires knowledge and data sets from many different projects.”


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AgroTech: Artificial Intelligence to improve agriculture


AgroTech: Artificial Intelligence to improve agriculture

Source: CIDIF

Precision agriculture has been one of the areas that has benefited the most in recent years with the use of Artificial Intelligence. According to the Huerta Digital (https://lahuertadigital.es/agtech-tendences/), among the main trends within the world of Smart Agriculture can be named remote monitoring of crops, robotics and agricultural automation and the area of ​​research and development in genetics and biotechnology.

Within remote crop monitoring, one of AgTech’s most recent forays is the analysis and processing from satellite images. This technology has the potential to monitor droughts and predict harvests in real time over large areas.

Another topic in full development within agricultural monitoring is how to achieve effective control of pests, diseases and other risk factors for Agro. The FuturCrop company implements technologies for the automatic detection of larvae and has declared that its initiative allows a reduction of 30-50% in the use of phytosanitary products in horticultural and fruit trees.

Regarding robotics and automation in agriculture, there are different types of robots for each productive stage, ranging from drones to robotic arms specialized in the harvest of fruits and vegetables.

In short, Artificial Intelligence promises to increase productivity in the agricultural sector by allowing the business to be managed more profitably. In periods of water deficit, such as the one that has plagued a large part of Latin America in recent years, it is essential to have technologies that allow optimizing and increasing the response capacity of this industry.


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